Important Books and Authors / महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तकें और लेखक GK FOR SSC / RAILWAY & All Competitive Exams-27

Important Books and Authors / महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तकें और लेखक

GK FOR SSC / RAILWAY & All Competitive Exams

एग्जाम वॉरियर्स – नरेंद्र मोदी
संकट सफलता की नींव है – विली जॉली
जिंदगी वो जो आप बनाएं – प्रीती शेनॉय
जीरो टू हीरो – रश्मि बंसल
बॉडी लैंग्वेज – हिंदी अनुवाद नीलम भट्ट
संवाद का जादू – टेरी फेल्बर
टाइम मॅनेजमेंट – डॉ. सुधीर दीक्षित
सवाल ही जवाब है – एलन पीज
थिंक विथ मी – सुब्रत रॉय सहारा
21वी सदी का व्यवसाय – रॉबर्ट टी. कियोसाकी
अग्नि की उडान – डॉ.ए.पी.जे.अब्दुल कलाम
संन्यासी जिसने अपनी संपत्ति बेच दी – रोबिन शर्मा
मेरा चीज़ किसने हटाया? – डॉ. स्पेंसर जॉनसन
रहस्य – रोंडा बर्न
सकारात्मक सोच की शक्ति – नॉर्मन विन्सेन्ट पील
सोचिये और अमीर बनिये – नेपोलियन हिल
अति प्रभावकारी लोगों की 7 आदतें – स्टीफ़न आर. कवी
लोक व्यवहार – प्रभावशाली व्यक्तित्व की कला – डेल कार्नेगी
रिच डैड पुअर डैड – रॉबर्ट टी. कियोसाकी
बड़ी सोच का बड़ा जादू – डेविड जे. श्वार्ट्ज
शिखर पर मिलेंगे – ज़िग ज़िग्लर
वर्तमान की शक्ति – एक्हार्ट टॉल्ल
आपका भविष्य आपके हाथ में – डॉ.ए.पी.जे.अब्दुल कलाम
अपनी आत्मशक्ति को पहचानें – रोबिन शर्मा
जीत आपकी – शिव खेड़ा
फाइव पॉइंट समवन – चेतन भगत
वन मिनट मैनेजर – केन ब्लैंचर्ड और स्पेंसर जॉनसन
सीक्रेट्स ऑफ़ द मिलियनेयर माइंड – टी. हार्व एकर
लक्ष्य! – ब्रायन ट्रेसी
चाणक्य निति – अश्विनी पराशर
जैसा तुम सोचते हो – जेम्स ॲलन
पावर थिंकिंग – उज्वल पटनी
आत्मा के लिए अमृत – जैक कैनफील्ड और मार्क विक्टर हैन्सन
अल्केमिस्ट –पाओलो कोएलो
सबसे मुश्किल काम, सबसे पहले – ब्रायन ट्रेसी
आपके अवचेतन मन की शक्ति – डॉ. जोसेफ मर्फी
बैबिलोन का सबसे अमीर आदमी – जॉर्ज एस. क्लासन
अपने भीतर छुपे लीडर को कैसे जगायें – जॉन सी. मैक्स
लज्‍जा नामक पुस्‍तक किसके द्वारा रचित है-तस्‍लीमा नसरीन
यामा नामक पुस्‍तक की रचना किसने की है-महादेवी वर्मा
हिन्‍दी की महान रचना “नीरजा” की रचयिता कौन हैं-महादेवी वर्मा
गोदान उपन्‍यास किसके द्वारा लि‍खा गया है-प्रेमचन्‍द
हिन्‍दी की प्रसिद्ध कृति “चित्रलेखा” के लेखक कौन हैं-भगवतीचरण वर्मा
कामायनी के लेखक का नाम क्या है-जयशंकर प्रसाद
प्रसिद्ध “कवितावली” के रचयिता कौन हैं-तुलसीदास
कादम्‍बरी नामक पुस्तक के लेखक कौन हैं-बाण्‍ाभट्ट
रिपब्लिक नामक प्रसिद्ध पुस्‍तक के लेखक कौन हैं-प्‍लेटो
राजतरंगिणी के लेखक कौन हैं-कल्‍हण
मठ”के लेखक कौन हैं-बकिंम चन्‍द्र चटर्जी
कामसूत्र के रचयिता कौन थे-वात्‍सायन
मृगनयनी के रचयिता कौन थे-वृन्‍दावन लाल वर्मा
देवदास के लेखक कौन थे-शरद चन्‍द्र
उर्वशी नामक पुस्तक के लेखक कौन हैं-रामधारी सिंह दिनकर
गीत गोविन्‍द नामक पुस्तक की रचना किसने की-जयदेव
”रामायण” के रचयिता कौन हैं-वाल्‍मीकी
रामचरितमानस के रचयिता कौन हैं-तुलसीदास
मदर” के लेखक कौन हैं-मैक्सिम गोर्की
महाभारत के रचयिता कौन हैं-वेदव्‍यास
पंचतन्‍त्र के लेखक कौन हैं-विष्‍णु शर्मा
वार एण्‍ड पीस के लेखक कौन हैं-लियो टॉलस्‍टाय
गीता रहस्‍य के लेखक कौन हैं-बाल गंगाधर तिलक
चिदम्‍बरा” के लेख्‍ाक कौन हैं-सुमित्रानन्‍दन पंन्‍त
दास कैपिटल के लेखक कौन हैं-कार्ल मार्क्‍स
एशियन ड्रामा  के लेखक कौन थे-गुन्‍नार मिर्डल
भारत-भारती की रचना किसने की-मैथिलीशरण गुप्‍ता
इण्डिया विन्‍स फ्रीडम पुस्‍तक के लेखक कौन हैं-मौलाना अबुल कलाम
सत्‍यार्थ प्रकाश नामक पुस्‍तक के लेख्‍ाक कौन हैं-दयानन्‍द सरस्‍वती
अनहैप्‍पी इण्डिया के लेखक कौन हैं-लाला लाजपत राय

Important Books and Authors / महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तकें और लेखक

इंडिया विंस फ्रीडम अबुल कलम आजाद
गीता रहस्य बाल गंगाधर तिलक
द लाइफ डिवाइन अरविन्द घोष
इंडियन स्ट्रगल सुभाषचन्द्र बोस
अनहैप्पी इंडिया लाला लाजपत राय
नेशन इन द मेकिंग सुरेन्द्र नाथ बनर्जी
इंडिया डिवाइडेड राजेंद्र प्रसाद
हिंद स्वराज  महत्मा गाँधी
माय एक्सपेरिमेंट विथ ट्रुथ महत्मा गाँधी
प्रिजन डायरी जय प्रकाश नारायण
मदर इंडिया कैथरीन मेयो
संघर्ष की ओर जय प्रकाश नारायण
मैं अनीश्वरवादी क्यों हूं भगत सिंह
गोल्डन थ्रेसहोल्ड सरोजनी नायडू
भारत एक खोज (डिस्कवरी ऑफ़ इंडिया ) जवाहर लाल नेहरू
डिवाइन लाइफ स्वामी शिवानंद
यंग इंडिया महात्मा गांधी
द विंग्स ऑफ़ फायर डॉ एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम
ब्रोकन विंग्स सरोजिनी नायडू
प्रिंसिपिया न्यूटन
रिपब्लिक प्लेटो
मीन कैंफ एडोल्फ हिटलर
पॉलिटिक्स अरस्तु
द सोशल कॉन्ट्रैक्ट  रूसो
वेल्थ ऑफ नेशन एडम स्मिथ
पैराडाइज लॉस्ट जॉन मिल्टन
एशियन ड्रामा अगेंस्ट द स्ट्रीम गुन्नार मिर्डल
ए पैसेज टू इंडिया ई .एम. फोस्टर
वार एंड पीस लियो टॉलस्टॉय
हैमलेट ऑथेलो एस यू लाइक इट शेक्सपियर

Important Books Released In 2020

Important Books and Authors / महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तकें और लेखक(
S.No. Authors Name Book Name
1. Apoorva Kumar Singh A Commentary and Digest on The Air, Act 1981
2. Abhay K. The Bloomsbury Anthology of Great Indian Poems
3. Amit Shah Karmayoddha Granth

 Important Books Released In 2019

Important Books and Authors / महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तकें और लेखक(

S. No. Authors Name Book Name
1. Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi “Courts of India”
2. Karkare’s Daughter Jui Karkare Hemant Karkare: A Daughter’s Memoir
3. Prime Minister Narendra Modi Braille Edition of ‘Exam Warriors’
4. Shri N Chandrasekaran Bridgital Nation
5. Neha J Hiranandani Girl Power: Indian Women Who Broke The Rules
6. Roopa Pai From Leeches to Slug Glue: 25 Explosive Ideas that Made (and Are Making) Modern Medicine
7. ‘150 Years of Celebrating the Mahatma–the South African Legacy’ Fakir Hassen
8. Rahul Agarwal and Bharathi S Pradhan Turbulence and Triumph: The Modi Years
9. Ministry of fisheries Handbook on Fisheries Statistics – 2018
10. Vikram Sampath Savarkar: Echoes from a forgotten past, 1883-1924
11. Indian Diaspora Club Glorious Diaspora-Pride of India
12. Habiburahman, Sophie Ansel First They Erased Our Name: A Rohingya Speaks
13. Peter Baker Obama: The Call of History
14. Iqbal Chand Malhotra and Maroof Raza Kashmir’s untold story: Declassification
15. Satyarth Nayak “Sridevi: Girl Woman Superstar”
16. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Persistent Systems Manav
17. St James House and the History of Parliament Trust ‘The Commonwealth at 70: From Westminster to the World’
18. Adi Shankaracharya Vivekadeepini
19. Venkaiah Naidu Listening, Learning and Leading
20. Baba Ramdev ‘My Life, My Mission’
21. Meenakshi Lekhi ‘The New Delhi Conspiracy’
22. Tridip Suhrud ‘The Diary of Manu Gandhi’
23. Sushil Kumar “A Prime Minister to Remember- Memories of a Military Chief”
24. Adi Shankaracharya Vivekadeepini
25. Anupam Kher “Lessons Life Taught Me Unknowingly”.
26. Ashis Ray “Cricket World Cup: The Indian Challenge”
27. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam My Journey
28. Dr. Bibek Debroy Making of New India
29. Dr. Krishna Saksena “Whispers of Time”
30. Dr. Y.V. Reddy Indian Fiscal Federalism
31. Jairam Ramesh ‘Chequered Brillance: The Many Lives of V K Krishna Menon’
32. Kamlesh Patel Alias Daaji ‘Designing Destiny: The Heartfulness Way’
33. Kamlesh Patil & Joshua Pollock ‘The Heartfulness way: Heart-Based Meditations for Spiritual Transformation’
34. Lamar Odom Darkness to light
35. Lieutenant General Ranbir Singh Fire and Fury Corps — Saga of Valour, Fortitude and Sacrifice’,
36. M Venkaiah Naidu Quality, Accreditation, and Ranking – A Silent Revolution in the Offing in Indian Higher Education
37. Malala Yousafzai We are Displaced
38. Manoshi Sinha Rawal ‘Saffron Swords’
39. Meenakshi Lekhi “The New Delhi Conspiracy”
40. Mool Chand Sharma ‘Law, Justice and Judicial Power- Justice P N Bhagwati’s Approach’
41. Mr. Suri ‘Khooni Vaisakhi’
42. Navin Chawla ‘Every Vote Counts- The story of India’s Elections’
43. Neeraj Jha, Vidhanshu Kumar ‘Virat: The making of a Champion’
44. P. Chidambaram ‘Undaunted: Saving the Idea of India’
45. R Uma Maheswari From Possession to Freedom
46. Raghuram Rajan The Third Pillar
47. Ruchir Sharma ‘Undaunted: Saving the Idea of India’
48. Saba Naqvi Politics of Jugaad: The Coalition Handbook
49. Shahid Afridi Game Changer
50. Sharad Dutt ‘Kundan: Saigal’s Life & Music’
51. Shri Harivansh and Shri Ravi Dutt Bajpai. “Chandra Shekhar – The Last Icon of Ideological Politics”;
52. Sonia Singh ‘Defining India: Through Their Eyes’
53. Vinit Goenka ‘Function of Data Sovereignty – The Pursuit of Supremacy’
54. Valay Singh ‘Ayodhya: City of Faith, City of Discord’
55. BJP MP Varun Gandhi A Rural Manifesto – Realising India’s Future through her Villages
56. Dr. Manmohan Singh Changing India
57. Prime Minister Narendra Modi Timeless Laxman
58. Dr Murali Mohan Chuntharu Arivu
59. Karunya Keshav and Sidhanta Pathak The Fire Burns Blue: A History of Womens Cricket in India
60. Rima Hooja Maharana Pratap: The Invincible Warrior
61. Shashi Tharoor The Paradoxical Prime Minister
62. Preeti Shenoy The Rule Breakers
63. Union Minister of Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar Experiential Learning — Gandhiji’s Nai Talim
64. Tamal Bandyopadhyay From Lehman to Demonetisation: A Decade of Disruption, Reforms and Misadventures
65. Perumal Murugan Poonachi or the Story of a Black Goat
66. Bindeshwar Pathak Making of Legend
67. Anoop Misra Diabetes with Delight
68. Donald Anderson with Joshua Mathew The Last White Hunter
69. Romila Thapar Indian Cultures as Heritage
70. Sanjoy Hazarika Strangers No More: New Narratives from Northeast
71. Sumitra Mahajan Matoshree
72. Yasser Usman Sanjay Dutt: The Crazy Untold Story of Bollywood’s Bad Boy
73 Miniya Chatterjee Indian Instinct
74. Pranab Mukherjee The Coalition years
75. Snigdha Poonam Dreamers: How Young Indians are Changing Their World
76. Michael Wolff Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump Whitehouse
77. Sheila Dikshit Citizen Delhi: My Times, My Life
78. Tarun Vijay Mere Sapno Ka Bharat
79. Syeda Saiyidan Hameed Born to be Hanged: Political Biography of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
80. Dujatha Gidla Ants Among Elephants
81. Rajeev Dhavan The Constitution of India: Miracle, Surrender, Hope
82. James Lawton A Ringside Affair
83 Kanwaljit Singh The Year of the Hawks
84. Deepak Singh How May I Help You
85. Mohammad Yunus A World of Three Zeroes: The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Carbon Emission
86. Mehr Tarar Do We Not Bleed? Reflections of a 21st-Century Pakistan
87. Jayadev Ranade Xi Jinping’s China
88. Pradeep Sebastia The Book Hunters of Katpadi
89. K Srilata and Fiona Bolger All the Worlds Between
90. Satya Nadella Hit Refresh
91. Ramin Jahanbegloo Letters to a Young Philosopher
92. Sanjay Manjrekar Imperfect (autobiography)
93. Amish Tripathi Immortal India
94. Rima Hooja Maharana Pratap: The Invincible Warrior
95. Sunita Narain Conflicts of Interest: My Journey Through India’s Green Movement
96. A Raja 2G Saga Unfolds
97. Gulzar Two
98. Sreemoyee Piu Kundu Status Single
99. Neyaz Farooquee An Ordinary Mans Guide to Radicalism
100. Hilary Clinton What happened
101. Andy Weir Artemis
102. Adam Rothstein Drone
103. Shashi Tharoor Why I am hindu
104. Shilpa Shetty A dairy of deomestic diva
105. Surjit S Bhalla The New Wealth of Nations
106. Jairam Ramesh Indira Gandhi: A Life in Nature
107. Poonam Dreamers: How Young Indians are Changing Their World and Yours
108. Avinash Paliwal My Enemy’s Enemy: India in Afghanistan from the Soviet Invasion to the US Withdrawal
109. Neel Mukerjee A state of freedom
110. Ian Black Enemies and Neighbours: Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Israel, 1917-2017
111. Raghuram Rajan I do what I do
112. Aakash Singh Rathore Indian Political Theory: Laying the Ground work for Swaraj
113. Anjana Sukani Hisaab Kitaab
114. Perumal Murugan Songs of a Coward
115. Karan johar An unsuitable boy
116. Stephen Kotkin Stalin: Waiting for Hitler 1928-1941
117. V V S Laksman 281 and Beyond
118. Paul Auster 4321
119. Emily Fridlund History of Wolves
120. Mohsin Hamid Exit West
121. Fiona Mozley Elmet
122. George Saunders Lincoln in the Bardo
123. Ali Smith Autumn
124. Mushtaq Bilal Writing Pakistan: Conversations on ldentity, Nationhood and Fiction
125. Sudeep Chakravarti The Bengalis: A Portrait of a Community
126. Roshan Taneja Moments ofTruth: My Life with Acting
127. Perumal Murugan The Goat Thief
128. Sujata Massey The Widow of Malabar Hills
129. Prerna Singh Bindra The Vanishing
130. Diane Coffey and Dean Spears Where India Goes
131. Minhaz Merchant The Nationalist
132. Upinder Singh Political Violence in Ancient India
133. Sundar Ganesan The tall man biju patnaik
134. Lt Gen Baljit Singh A Tale of Two Victoria Crosses
135. Tim Harford Fifty Things that Made the Modern Economy
136. Surjit Bhalla New Wealth of Nations
137. A Surya Prakash The Emergency: Indian Democracy’s Darkest Hour
138. Shimon Peres No Room for Small Dreams
139. David Grossman A Horse Walks Into a Bar
140. Nawazuddin Siddiqui with Rituparna Chatterjee An Ordinary Life: A Memoir
141. Rajdeep Sardesai Democracy’s XI: The Great Indian Cricket Story
142. Gyanesh Kudaisya A Republic in the Making: India in the 1950s
143. Rajiv Dogra Durand’s Curse: A Line Across the Pathan Heart
144. Dan Brown Origin
145. GN Denvy The Crisis Within: On Knowledge and Education in India
146. Derek O’Brien Inside Parliament: Views From the Front Row
147. Fredrick Grare India Turns East: International Engagement and US-China Rivalry
148. R K Singh Weather Information Portal for Indian Power System
189. Arundhati Roy The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
150. Bertil Lintner China & India War: Collision Course on the Roof of the World
151. Jayadeva Ranade Cadres ofTibet
152. Maria Sharapova Unstoppable: My Life So Far
153. Jeet Thayil The Book of Chocolate Saints
154. Sunita Narain Conflict of Interest
155. Birendra Rehi Atal Ji Ne kaha
156. Kiren Rijiju and Haulianlal Guite Confessions of a dying mind: the blind faith of atheism
157. CP Surendran Available Light
158. Ashok K Banker Ashoka: Satrap of Taxila
160. Khaled Hosseini Sea Prayer
161. Chhimi Tenduf La Loyal Stalkers
162. Shane Warne No Spin
163. TCA Raghvan Attendant Lords
164. Vivek Wadhwa with Alex Salkever The Driver in the Driverless Car
165. Jaya Jaitely Life Among the Scorpions: Memoir of a Woman in Indian Politics
166. William Taubman Gorbachev: His Life and Times
167. Raja Shekhar Vundru Ambedkar Gandhi and Patel: The Making of India’s Electoral System
168. Emmanuel Macron Evolution
169. Narendra Modi Exam Warriors
170. Meena Arora Nayak Evil in the Mahabharata
171. Jia Pingwa Happy Dreams
172. N N Vohra 6 TIMES THINNER
173. Azeem Ibrahim Rohingya Inside Myanmar’s Hidden Genocide
174. Francis Wade Myanmar’s Enemy Within: Buddhist Nationalism and Anti-Muslim Violence
175. Husain Haggani Reimagining Pakistan
176. Syeda Hameed Born to be Hanged: Political Biography of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
177. Meena Menon Reporting Pakistan
178. David Reich Who We Are and How We Got Here
179. Sourav Ganguly A Century ls Not Enough
180. Abhirup Bhattacharya Winning Like Sourav: Think & Succeed Like Ganguly
181. Soha Ali Khan The Perils of Being Moderately Famous
182. Steye Coll Directorate S: The CLA and Americas Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan
183. Jean Tirole Economics for the Common Good
184. Amy Chua Political Tribes
185. KN Raghavan Dividing Lines: Contours of the India-China Discord
186. CH Hanumantha Rao My Journey from Marxism-Leninism to Nehruvian Socialism
187. Salman Khurshid Triple Talaq: Examining Faith
188. Khalid Bashir Kashmir: Exploring the Myth Behind the Narrative
189. Julian Barnes The Only Story
190. Rashmi Saksena She Goes to War Women Militants of India
191. Michio Kaku The Future of Humanity
192. Ishrat Husain Governing the Ungovernable: Institutional Reforms for Democratic Governance
193. KR Meera The Unseeing ldol of Light
194. Ajoy Bose Across the Universe
195. Arun Shourie Anita Gets Bail: What Are Our Courts Doing? Whal Should We Do About Them?
196. Borta Majumdar Eleven Gods and a Billion Indians
197. Bibek Debroy Indian Railway- The weaving of a National Tapestry
198. Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradiction
199. Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling) Lethal White
200. Michael Ondaatje The English Patient

 Important Books and Authors 2018

Important Books and Authors / महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तकें और लेखक(

S. No. Name of the Book Name of the Author
1 The book ‘Straight Talk’ Abhishek Manu Singhvi
2 “Across the Bench – Insight into the Indian Military Judicial System” Gyan Bhushan
3 ‘Calling Sehmat’ Harinder S. Sikka
4 ‘Smart Cities Unbundle’ Dr. Samir Sharma
5 ‘My Journey from Marxism-Leninism to Nehruvian Socialism’ C. H. Hanumantha Rao(He is a former Planning Commission and member of the Finance Commission & released by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh)
6 “India’s Heritage of Gharana Music: Pandits of Gwalior” Meeta Pandit
7 ‘Paramveer Parwane Prabhakiran Jain
8 ‘Exam Warriors’ Minister of India Narendra Modi
9 “A Century is Not Enough” (Autobiography) Sourav Ganguly.
10 ‘Imperfect’ (Autobiography) Sanjay Manjrekar
11 “Citizen Delhi: My Times, My Life” (Autobiography) Former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit
12 “Indian Instincts” Dr. Miniya Chatterji
13 “The Diary of a Domestic Diva” Shilpa Shetty
14 “The Widows of Malabar Hill” Sujata Massey
15 ‘Mister M K Gandhi Ki Champaran Diary’ Arvind Mohan (released by Bihar CM Nitish Kumar)
16 “Have a Safe Journey” Union Road Transport Minister Gadkari inaugurated this book.
17 ‘My Journey from Marxism-Leninism to Nehruvian Socialism’ Former Planning Commission & Finance Commission member C H Hanumantha Rao (Released by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh)

 Important Books and Authors

Important Books and Authors / महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तकें और लेखक(

18 ‘Bollywood: The Films! The Songs! The Stars! Launched by the Amitabh Bachchan (Co-authored by S.M.M. Ausaja, Karan Bali, Rajesh Devraj and Tanul Thakur)
19 “The Coalition Years” Pranab Mukherjee (Former President of India)
20 “The Golden House” Salman Rushdie
21 “India 2017 Yearbook” Rajiv Mehrishi
22 “I Do What I Do” Raghuram Rajan (former RBI Governor)
23 “Immortal India” Amish Tripathi
24 “A Horse Walks into a Bar” David Grossman (Winner – Man Booker International Prize 2017)
25 “How India Sees the World” Shyam Saran
26 “Hit Refresh” Satya Nadella
27 “Unstoppable: My Life So far” Maria Sharapova
28 “The Shershah of Kargil” Deepak Surana (Biography of Kargil war hero – Late Captain Vikram Batra)
29 “Kadve Vachan” Tarun Sagar Maharaj
30 “I am HIV positive, so what?” Jayanta Kalita
31 “Cryptocurrency for Beginners” Amit Bhardwaj
32 “Making of a legend” Bindeshawr Pathak
33 “Dalhousie Through My Eyes” Kiran Chadha
34 “Playing With Fire” Katie Price
35 “Future of Indian Universities: Comparative and International Perspectives” C. Raj Kumar
36 “The Ministry of Utmost Happiness” Arundhati Roy
37 “The Crisis Within” Ganesh Devy
38 “Indira Gandhi – A life in Nature” Jairam Ramesh
39 “Beren And Luthien” J.R.R. Tolkien
40 “Yug Purush, Bharat Ratna, Atal Ji” Ramesh Pokhriyal “Nishank”.
41 “Matoshree” Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan
42 Sleeping on Jupiter Anuradha Roy
43 Vyomkesh Darvesh Vishwanath Tripath
44 Education of Muslims: An IslamicPerspective of Knowledge & Education J S Rajput
45 Flood of Fire Amitav Ghosh
46 Sourav Ganguly: Cricket, Captaincy andControversy Saptarshi Sarkar
47 How to be Both Ali Smith
48 The Indian Parliament – A CriticalAppraisal Sudha Pai and Avinash Kumar
49 The Red Sari Javier Moro
50 Farishta (Hindi Novel) Kapil Isapuri
51 Neither a Hawk nor a Dove Khurshid M Kasuri
52 Kiran Bedi: Kaise Bani Top Cop Reeta Peshawaria Menon and AnuPeshawaria
53 Flora of Guntur City Andhra Pradesh PR Mohana Rao
54 Shivaji Kon Hota Govind Pansare
55 “Family Life” Akhil Sharma
56 Nehru and Bose- Parallel Lives Rudrangshu Mukherjee
57 Lucknow Boy Vinod Mehta
58 Born Again on the Mountain Arunima Sinha
59 Neither a Hawk nor a Dove Pakistan’s EX-Foreign MinisterKhurshid M Kasuri
60 India’s Growth Resurgence: Sectorial Issues and Governance Risks Yerram Raju, M Sitarama Murthy andSingala Subbaiah
61 God’s Bankers Gerald Posner
62 Modi–Incredible emergence of a star(Chinese language) Shri Tarun Vijay.
63 Red Tape to Red Carpet… and then some Gina Rinehart
64 Transcendence: My Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh Swamiji Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
65 India Central Asia Relations Amiya Chandra
66 Beyond Doubt( on gandhi’s asssasination) Teesta setalvad
67 Indian Parliamentary Democracy Meera Kumar
68 37 Bridges Aamer hussain
69 RD Burman: The Prince of Music Khagesh Dev Burman
70 Kashmir The Vajpayee Years Shri A.S. Dulat
71 Second political nonfiction ‘Making India Awesome’ Chetan Bhagat
72 Mrs Funnybones Akshay Kumar
73 1965, Turning the Tide: How India Won the War Nitin Gokhale
74 Globalisation, Democratization and Distributive Justice Prof. Mool Chand Sharma
75 1965 : Stories from the Second Indo-Pak War Rachna Bisht Rawat
76 The Duels of the Himalayan Eagle Air Marshal Bharat Kumar
77 To the Brink and Back: India’s 1991 Story Jairam Ramesh
78 Building a Just World: Essays in honour of Muchkund Dubey Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan
79 Graphic booklet on Sardar Post at Rann of Kutch in the 1965 lndo-Pak War Union Home Minister,Rajnath Singh(
80 Smita Patil – A Brief Incandescence Maithili Rao
81 Interlinking of Indian Rivers Radha Kant Bharati
82 From Fishing Hamlet to Red Planet P V Manoranjan Rao – ISRO
83 The President of India and the Governance of Higher Education Institutions C Raj Kumar
84 Rebooting India Nandan Nilekani & Viral Shah
85 What Happened to Netaji? AnujDhar
86 I know How to Live, I know How to Die Mr. Neville Hodgkinson
87 Dadi Janaki : A Century of Service Ms. Liz Hodgkinson
88 “MARU BHARAT SARU BHARAT“(My India Noble India) Jain Acharya Ratnasunder suriswarji Maharaj
89 Jawaharlal Nehru and the Indian Polity In Perspective P.J. Alexander
90 A Kingdom for his Love Amar Chitra Katha
91 Transcendence: My Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh Swamiji Abdul Kalam
92 Book titled Modi – Incredible emergence of a star in Chinese language Tarun Vijay
93 Education of Muslims: An Islamic Perspective of Knowledge and Education – Indian Context Professor JS Rajput
94 Neither a Hawk nor a Dove Pakistan’s Ex-Foreign Minister Khurshid M Kasuri
95 Indian Parliamentary Diplomacy – Speaker‘s Perspective Former Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar
96 Born Again on the Mountain Arunima Sinha, launched by PM Modi
97 Prince of Gujarat: The Extraordinary Story of Prince Gopaldas Desai Rajmohan Gandhi.
98 2014: The Election That Changed India Rajdeep Sardesai
99 Next China-India War- World’s First Water War General S. Padmanabhan
100 The Dramatic Decade: The Indira Gandhi Years Pranab Mukherjee
101 My Name is Abu Salem S Hussain Zaidi
102 Playing it My Way Sachin Tendulkar & Boria Majumdar
103 The Narrow Road to the Deep North Richard Flanagan, The Man Booker Prize for Fiction- 2014
104 Final Test: Exit Sachin Tendulkar Dilip D‘Souza
105 Untold Story of Indian Public Sector Dr UD Choubey,
106 And Then One Day  ( Autobiography ) Naseeruddin Shah
107 God of Antarctica Yashwardhan Shukla, 13 Years old School boy
108 One Life is Not Enough Kunwar Natwar Singh
109 The Lives of Others Neel Mukherjee
110 The Substance and the Shadow  ( Biography of Dilip Kumar) Uday Tara Nayar
111 A Bad Character. Deepti Kapoor
112 Blood Feud Edward Klein
113 An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen
114 37 Bridges and Other Stories Aamer Hussein (Noted Pakistani Author)


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