How to Protect you rself Coronavirus


As the number of people with COVID-19 continues to increase in the current pandemic, everyone has a role to play in taking care of ourselves and our loved ones, and slowing the spread of the new coronavirus.

Actions to Protect Ourselves

  • Avoid touching your face , especially your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Wash your hand frequently with soap and water or use alcohol-based rub.
  • Seek immediate medical advice if you have fever, cough or are experiencing breathing difficulties
  • When coughing or sneezing, discard the used tissue immediately into a closed bin.
  • Maintain distance of at least 1 metre from someone who is coughing or sneezing
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue
  • If you have cough, fever, and difficulty in breathing, wear a mask correctly and seek medical


Staying Healthy at Home

  • Clean your home regularly, particularly frequently touched surfaces like
  • Stay home stay safe. Stay physically fit. Exercise regulary. Eat a nutritious diet. Don’t smoke.
  • Stay home stay safe. Follow the Golden Rule. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use alchohol based hand-rub.
  • Stay home stay safe. If you show symptoms of COVID-19, self isolate yourself, wear a mask around others and seek medical advice.
  • Stay positive. Avoid alarmist news. Be connected to friends and family. Have a hobby.
  • If any member of the household shows symptoms of Covid-19, seek medical advice and follow your local health authority’s guidance.


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